Friday, March 10, 2017

Weddings Gone Wrong--Photoshop Project

Enjoy this masterpiece! I found a Google image of a family at a wedding taking a nice "red rover" pictures with their hands connected in front of a rock. I decided the King Kong should stand on the rock, so I selected him and added a Levels adjustment. I painted out the adjustment at the top, though, because I wanted it to stay light and the bottom part to stay dark (since the sun was up there). It tuned out pretty good. 

Then, I added two more items to the image-- a baby and an alligator. The baby needed more contrast so I added a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and increased his contrast a bit. Finally, I selected the alligator and adjusted his Levels a bit just to darken him as he was quite bright. 

Overall, I rate this about a 9 out of 10. I think the alligator still looks off a little bit and I'm not certain the baby is the right size (maybe too big?). But, I felt the colors were pretty good matches and King Kong is beast. 

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